At 3 weeks, he cried all day. It was a Wednesday I will not ever forget. Rorey was home with me since it had turned off dry (he mows yards). We were all 3 completely exhausted. Case wouldn't nap and he just cried. I took him to the doctor the next day. This was so out of character for him. He did have a little congestion but nothing the doctor was worried about. He was some better the next day and I really kind of wrote it off as maybe that was all that was wrong with him. Little did I know what we were in for! For about 2 weeks after that, if the child was awake he was crying. And evenings? Forget it! He screams bloody murder with no chance of consoling him. We have tried it all. Gas drops, gripe water, swings, vibrating bouncy seats, Zantac for reflux, changed formulas (though he doesn't get much formula at all). We have had him to a chiropractor twice. I have been so desperate to find something to "fix" my colicky baby. The title of this post is actually a joke between my husband and I. We both joked that our next step was calling a preist to perform an exorcism because there is a demon in our sweet little baby. One night he slept through his colic time. I told Rorey, "Just wait! He will be up at one of his feeding and he will be colicky." Sure enough that night at his 2 am feeding, he wouldn't eat and he just screamed. That night I sat up with him and rocked and rocked and rocked him. I tried to put him down a couple times thinking it was over and I was wrong! Its like he is programmed to cry so many hours a day and if he doesn't get that in the evening it will come out another time. Usually when mama wants to be sleeping. The next night he did that again. I was so tired and I knew rocking was not going to help. So I laid him down in his crib in his bedroom and walked away. It was the hardest thing EVER! I felt like such a horrible mother. He finally cried it out and fell asleep.
I have finally just accepted that this is who he is. I don't believe its a digestive issue. It is just who Case is. He is very sensitive to his surroundings and the only way he can cope is to cry. I'm not saying it is easy and I am not saying that somedays I don't want to pull my hair out. I am also not saying sometimes we aren't both busy shedding tears when daddy gets home. But he is my baby ( I was a colicky baby) and I love him so much. I guess I am payin for my raisin' early with this one. For all those moms out there struggling with the same issue, I really think acceptance is the key for me. I left no stone unturned trying to fix him all to no avail. I realized I needed to fix my attitude toward the situation. I needed to look within myself to find a solution. It is just a phase and I am lucky to have this little boy. So many people have fertility issues. Rorey and I were fortunate enough to conceive without any issues at all. So its all in how you look at things I suppose. I will count this little man as one of my life's blessings even if he is never satisfied and we can not take him anywhere after 5 pm (sometimes earlier).
Until next time, Sara LaFever Halliburton
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